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C-Beam XY Actuator Kit Assembly

C-beam XY Actuator Kit

About the kit:

The C-Beam XY Actuator Kit is a two-axis linear actuator driven by a lead screw. It includes everything you need for the build, and is available in 250mm, 500mm, 1000mm, and 1500mm sizes. In this actuator, the XL gantry carts are used for XY movement.

The kit includes:

Product No Product NameQty
1C-Beam Gantry X/Y – XL Bundle1
2C-Beam End Mount Plate4
3688ZZ Ball Bearing (BE-688ZZ)4
4Flexible Coupling-D20L25 6.35x8mm2
5Precision Shim T1x8.1x12mm4
6Shaft Lock Collar4
7M5 Low Profile Screws-20mm16
8M5 Low Profile Screws-55mm4
9Metric Aluminum Spacers – 40mm4
10Anti-Backlash Nut Block Gantry Hardware Pack2
11C-Beam 4080 -250/500/1000/1500mm2
12ACME/Metric 8mm Lead Screw TR8*8-For Cbeam length2

Open Package and Check All Components:

It's important to get organized before beginning any build. Unpack all parts of your kit and verify each piece against the Bill of Materials. If any pieces are missing, contact us right away.

Tools Required

  • Allen keys set
  • 8mm spanner/wrench

Follow Step by Step Assembly Instructions:

This XY Actuator is constructed by combining two separate C-beam actuators. Initially, build two C-beam actuators according to the guidelines given here. After that, assemble them using M5x20 screws as demonstrated in the images below.